Friday, August 26, 2016


In case you're wondering what happened to sneak peek Thursday or why there were no new postings in my shop today....well, it's that time of year.  Fall is coming!  Yay!   Cool weather.  Chunky sweaters. Falling leaves. Pumpkin patches. Apple cider.  I could go on and on about all of the wonderful things I love about Fall.  It is my favorite time of year.  However, it is also my busiest time of year.  I have been so busy filling orders for my retail customers that I haven't had much time for my Etsy shop. And then there's the Mom thing.  It is the job I love THE MOST, with the most responsibility- especially with school starting back.  Anyway, I wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten about you, so please don't go far.  I hope to have some new postings next Friday.  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Distressed Flannel Shirts

My usual Etsy posting day is on Fridays, but I couldn't wait to post these cute distressed flannel shirts.  I've collected a variety of soft colorful flannels and adorned them with patches of floral vintage fabric for a gussied up girly grunge vibe.  Wear them as a shirt or as a light weight jacket over a tank or tee.

Available at

Thursday, August 4, 2016


Sorry for the late posting.  Most of you are probably sleeping right now, but if you're burning the midnight oil like me, then you get a sneak peek of my latest designs posting tomorrow on my Etsy shop. 

Go to for more info