My Singer sewing machine rumbles so noisily atop the wooden handcrafted work table. Guiding the fabric through, I watch the needle pierce hard, fast. Each stab draws the threads in, binding the separate pieces into one.
Around me old fabric pieces, from garments worn for a time then tossed aside, unwanted, discarded, lay scattered. I've cut away the parts that can't be used, those with coffee stains spilled by a hurried mom, the ones with holes rubbed through by too much bending of knees and elbows. Those are tossed into the trash which overflows with the unwanted of the unwanted. Everything else is salvaged, waiting to be transformed into something new, something beautiful.
I see God in this, hear Him speaking to me through my work, gently whispering through the noise, the mess, the soon to be beautiful. God, the creator, sees beauty in the unwanted, stained, and discarded. What others have tossed aside and forgotten, He salvages. He sees what can be. By cutting away, piercing through, and stitching together, He transforms us into something new, something beautiful.